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Age-Defying, DNA Repair and Longevity Activation

Swissmed™ NMN redefines ageing, repairs DNA and activates longevity

  • Combines two powerful ingredients Uthever® 2nd Generation NMN (patent-pending) and SOD B EXTRAMEL® French Melon Extract (patented) supported by clinical studies with the infusion of Bio-Activated Energy (BAE) process which is a Japan proprietary technology to enhance the bioavailability and bioefficacy of the nutritional ingredients.

  • Functional food product (280322/03/137)

  • USA formulation

  • Readily consumable chewable tablet with mixed berries flavor

  • Suitable for vegan and vegetarian friendly

  • Recommended to take before meal: 1 chewable tablet a day (directly consume)

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